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What is the difference between the front and rear maintenance of the full-color LED display?


Through decades of development, the competitiveness of full-color LED display products has increased day by day. With product updates, iterative technology upgrades, energy saving, environmental protection, and intelligence have become the general trend of product development. Winbond  Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is a service provider of full-color LED display products and solutions. Today we will discuss the comparison of the front and rear maintenance of the full-color LED display:

The full-color LED display is difficult to maintain and has become a pain point for many users. For users who adopt embedded and wall-mounted installation methods, it is difficult to achieve maintenance in one step. Full-color LED display products must not only meet the standard requirements, but also meet the simplified requirements to meet the growing market demand.

The emergence of front-maintenance full-color LED displays has fundamentally solved complex maintenance problems. Perform maintenance on the full-color LED display before use. When a display failure occurs, simply unscrew the screw from the front of the display to repair or replace the defective module, making the maintenance of the LED display easier.