Which is better, incandescent, fluorescent or LED? This problem seemed simple back then, obviously incandescent lamps were the worst, and LEDs were the best. However, some people have recently overturned the verdict on incandescent lamps, saying that "LED lamps do not save power" and "incandescent lamps have long lifespan". Let's talk about it today, what is the difference between these three lamps.
Some people say that LED lights save power, but it is not accurate. It should be said that LED lights are more efficient. High efficiency does not equal power saving, just like "Which is more power-efficient between 60W LED lamps and 60W incandescent lamps", the answer is the same.
The wattage of the lamp determines its power consumption. Our pursuit of brightness is getting higher and higher today, and we can't wait to make the night brighter than the day. The total power of LED lights used in households has reached more than 60W. So some people will complain that "changing the LED light will cost more electricity", because you change the light and increase the power at the same time.
The efficiency of LED lamps is high, and the brightness is higher under the same power. To make the room bright as day, a 60W LED light is enough. If you change to incandescent lamps, I am afraid it will take hundreds of watts.
Incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps (energy-saving lamps), and LED lamps all convert electrical energy into light energy. The conversion efficiency of incandescent lamps is about 15%; fluorescent lamps are about 50%; LED lamps are about 90%. All the remaining electrical energy is converted into heat and wasted. So we see that the incandescent lamp heats up very seriously, and the LED lamp hardly heats up.