In recent years, the advantages of solar street lights have grown rapidly. The use of solar courtyard lights, solar lawn lights, solar landscape lights, etc. have gradually gradually shaped bad habits. In addition to the energy saving and environmental characteristics of the product itself, we must also focus on the products of the product. Application and product economy.
In the construction of solar street lights in new rural areas, the following common problems should also be learned. Solar lamps use natural light as power energy, and can be stored in the battery in the battery, which is transformed into an electromagnetic energy. Therefore, in the process of installation, we must choose a solar panel component in areas that are not blocked by the surrounding areas. In the clean -up work of lithium battery components to ensure that the rechargeable battery can be in all normal work. Solar street lights are already an inevitable thing for the construction of urban and rural areas. It is becoming a new development trend and leading the new development of the lighting industry.