The popularization of smart street light controller simplifies the degree of operation to the greatest extent. A computer, a street light system control software, and a remote controller perfectly combine the operating channel of the street light control system. Let the street light system work at full speed according to the idea of operators.
The newly developed smart light rod is a smart street lighting device combined with a variety of functions and the smart light rods with sensing skills, and a "lamp" can be used as a sensor. Various types of sensors such as light live linter, infrared sensor, and temperature sensor can form an intelligent control system with LED smart light rods. Through the light living linker, the smart light pole can sensor the bright changes of the external light. Therefore, the changes can be changed to control the circuit switch of the lamp and adjust the brightness. It will actively mobilize or closed, which will meet the demand for lights of passers -by than the time switch, which greatly improves the service life of the lamp, on the other hand, it also saves power consumption.