Generally, conventional LED display screens are commonly used, while curved screens are less used. For curved screens, you need to know the arc length, chord length, and chord height before you can calculate the area of the steel structure and the curved screen. The display manufacturer Tuosheng Optoelectronics introduces you the calculation method of the curved screen in detail. How to calculate the arc length and chord height of the arc LED display?
1. Measure the chord length, chord height and arc length.
Generally, the arc length size is difficult to measure and the size difference is large, so the arc length and radius are calculated according to the chord height and chord length, and then checked. The difference can be within 10cm. If the difference is large, please repeat the measurement and calculation.
2. Measuring method of chord height and chord length.
The straight line distance between the two end points of the arc is the chord length, and the midpoint of the chord length to the midpoint of the arc line is the chord height (or: the distance between the midpoint of the chord length and the vertical chord length drawing line to the arc is the chord height) Chord Length, Chord Height and Arc Length of Arc Screen
3. Calculate the arc length and radius according to the chord height and chord length of the LED display.
Calculation idea: The root formula calculates the angle of the chord height and chord length to form a right triangle. example:
①Suppose the chord height is b and the chord length is 2a. Measure 2a=200 b=60 to calculate the arc length and radius
②The chord height and chord length form a triangle, and the side length is a=100 b=60 chord height and chord length calculation method
③The chord height and chord length form a triangle, and the side length is a=10